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SafeSense ® 3

Health Monitoring System designed for fall and pressure ulcers prevention.

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SafeSense ® 3

SafeSense ® 3 presents the combination of motion monitoring and humidity detection with smart technologies. Caregivers are given enough information to react to patient’s needs.

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SafeSense ® 3 at a glance

Pressure Injury Prevention

Smart Decubitus Reminder
notifies caregivers if the patient has not moved for a pre-defined period
Movement Detection
shows the patient’s activity on the bed
Moisture Monitoring
informs caregivers in case of increased humidity on the mattress
Easy patient transport

Prevent Patient Falls

Motion Monitoring
tracks patient’s activity while in the bed
Bed Exit Notifications
notify the staff whenever patient leaves the bed
Customizable Delay
on bed exit alarm ensures that it notifies caregivers only when necessary
Patient's safety and comfort

Improve Patient’s Experience

is ensured by placing the pad under the mattress
Information for the Caregiver
to inform caregiver about the patient’s situation
Wetness Pad
informs staff about significant increase of wetness
Improve patient's recovery

Simplify Caregiver Procedures

Reliable Information
about movement and wetness lower the number of necessary routine checks
Caregiver Notifications
can decrease reaction time in case of patient’s fall
can be set up to notify caregivers about patient repositioning or other procedures
Safe patient handling

Installation of SafeSense ® 3


Sensor pad
Patented, electronic-free and robust sensor mat for signal transmission and flexible use in the care bed.


Connectivity hub
Electronic monitoring unit with interface to SafeSense® software and to the call system, as well as a differential pressure sensor for detecting the transmitted signals.


Signal line
Pneumatic connection between sensor pad and connectivity hub.
Easy patient transport


Placing SafeSense ® 3 pad under the mattress


Connection to the hospital or standalone network and nurse call


Installation of SafeSense application


Encrypted transition of data about patient‘s movement and wetness
Patient's safety and comfort

SafeSense CareMonitor

After the installation of the SafeSense system and connection to the hospital network, CareMonitor application can be used to track patients and to provide overview of their activity.


Repositioning reminder


Patient‘s presence


Alerts and Warnings


Displaying movement aktivity


Color coding for quick assessment
Easy patient transport

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